domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My Future Job : Therapist

Sobre Musica y Musicoterapia en UCI, por María Rojas – Proyecto HU-CI

I don't know certainly what kind of job I'd like to have, but in advance I wanted to study psychology because I wanted to create a foundation  and do studies about Selective Mutism, an anxiety disorder in which a person normally capable of speech cannot speak in specific situations or to specific people if triggered.  I was diagnosed with this disorder when I was a child, however, I was never able to carry out a treatment, because in Chile it is very little known, and I would like that future generations in my country have access to a correct therapy.
Lately I've been rethinking this, because I think that I'm a very artistic person, I need to make art, music and writing freely, I don't like it when everything is too theoretical, so I've been thinking in resume my studies on music, taking the postgraduate course in Music Therapy when I finish my Psychology degree. I think this would allow me to live well if I am resourceful enough to found a center that combines art with mental well-being.
Maybe I could emigrate to Europe, where I have more possibilities to carry out music therapy, since in Chile I don't see much of a future.
Regarding salary, I know that I won't be a millionaire, but I don't care about money, I'm only interested in being able to earn enough to live better than I currently do.

1 comentario:

  1. I think that combining art with mental health is an amazing idea, because through painting or music we can express feelings that we cannot easily communicate.
