sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Vs. Empathetic People

The Chemistry Between an Empath and a Narcissist Is Powerful But ...

Today I'll write about the Narcissictic Personality Disorder, and how this behavior is usually harmful when dealing with empathetic people, especially in a love relationship.
I choose this topic, because the most of the ''funas'' I have read, I can recognize this type of personality.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that is vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
An empathetic person, conversely, is very capable of understanding the other's feelings , which is generally attractive to narcissists, since an empathetic person will always try to understand and accept their behaviors. However, a love relationship between these two types of person can be very harmful, since with the passage of time, the empathic person tries to be accepted and loved by the narcissist one , but he only needs his self-love and doesn't  matter what the other may need, therefore the relationship ends in manipulation and constant guilt towards the empathic person.
It is important to know how to recognize these characteristics on time, since the longer they get involved, the bigger the vicious circle of suffering will be.
Personally, I think emotional education is very needed, especially for teenagers to learn about mental health, self-care, and when to ask for help.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

In today's post, I'll write about the postgraduate courses that I'd like to study, these are Art Therapy, with mention in Music Therapy  at Universidad de Chile, because I consider that I need art in my life, and I don't want that my days to be based on applying my knowledge of psychology to help people heal their conflicts, but also I would like to be able to teach people that they can get beautiful things out of pain.

About Music Therapy — Rachel Kohn, MT-BC

 In the other hand, I would like to take a course called ''Neuropsicología cognitiva: Intervención en niños y adolescentes con trastornos específicos del desarrollo'', because I'm interested in the studies of developmental disorders, like Selective Mutism, because they are very little known, which doesn't allow to carry out suitable  treatments for children and teenagers, at least here in Chile. I grew up with this disorder, and I could never be properly treated, which generated me social anxiety in my adulthood today.
I'd take this courses in a part- time way, because I need to work and become independent.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

My Future Job : Therapist

Sobre Musica y Musicoterapia en UCI, por María Rojas – Proyecto HU-CI

I don't know certainly what kind of job I'd like to have, but in advance I wanted to study psychology because I wanted to create a foundation  and do studies about Selective Mutism, an anxiety disorder in which a person normally capable of speech cannot speak in specific situations or to specific people if triggered.  I was diagnosed with this disorder when I was a child, however, I was never able to carry out a treatment, because in Chile it is very little known, and I would like that future generations in my country have access to a correct therapy.
Lately I've been rethinking this, because I think that I'm a very artistic person, I need to make art, music and writing freely, I don't like it when everything is too theoretical, so I've been thinking in resume my studies on music, taking the postgraduate course in Music Therapy when I finish my Psychology degree. I think this would allow me to live well if I am resourceful enough to found a center that combines art with mental well-being.
Maybe I could emigrate to Europe, where I have more possibilities to carry out music therapy, since in Chile I don't see much of a future.
Regarding salary, I know that I won't be a millionaire, but I don't care about money, I'm only interested in being able to earn enough to live better than I currently do.