jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

The story of a photograph

The picture was taken by me in my summer holidays, and we can see just two dogs running at the beach, but the story of this picture for me it's more than just that.
I liked this photo, first at all, because I think that it's artistic, but also I like this photo because I can go back in time, and remember those days when I was so happy and relax. We had gone to my sister's wedding,  in the south of Chile. She lives on a wonderful island called Puerto Gala, and you can get there, taking an airplane from Santiago to Balmaceda, then you have to take a transfer to Coyhaique, from Coyhaique you have to take a bus, and travel around five hours by Austral road. Finally, you arrive in Puerto Cisnes, a little town, and there you take the last transport to arrive in Puerto Gala, a big ship that takes four hours to arrive to.
This picture was taken in Puerto Cisnes when we were coming back to Santiago, and those dogs start to play with my boyfriend and me, they brought us rocks like they were balls. And I was feeling so nostalgic because I love all about the south of Chile, even his dogs.

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