viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

One of my favourites books

Resultado de imagen para franz kafka metamorphosis The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka), was one of my favourites book at the secundary, I was 14 year old when I read it for a test.
I liked this book for many reasons; the first one is by how it is narrated, it's a little like suspense and a little mysterious.
The second reason is because of the meaning that I gave it, given that the protagonist one day woke up turned into a gigantic insect, and he can´t leave their room anymore. I interpreted this like a metaphor of what society does to us today. The mechanization of our lives can become us to an insect at the moment when our bodies are no longer able to contribute to functionalism, and when that happens, we become a burden to others, regardless of the sacrifices we have made before, or what we keep doing.

My favourite piece of technology

Resultado de imagen para smartphone illustrationI'm not fan of technology, but I like my phone, because it is very versatile and easy to carry. I got my phone last year, after that my old phone was stolen. It's not the greatest phone, but It's enough for me, because I can talk with my loved ones when I need it, listen to music, looking for new thing at google, or just watching memes.
I use my telephone almost all the time, except when I have lunch or have dinner next to other people or family member; this is because my mother has always instilled in me that they are moments to share with others.
In spite of everything, my life without my cell phone would perhaps be a little more empty at the moments that I need to distract myself, but in any case, it wouldn't be a problem to live a life without a telephone.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Why did I choose Social Work?

Well, I have to recognize that Social Work never was one of my options, since I was a child I wanted to be an artist, and I didn't matter what kind of art, because I loved painting, playing music, reading and writing, and even theatricals. But when I started to study for being a music teacher last year, I realized that: 1. I didn't like school system , and I didn't wanted to come back to a school ; and 2. I wanted to make something that allows me a more direct way to contribute to social change.
That's why this year I'm in another career and University, although my first option was Psychology, because for me it's fascinating the way human mind works, I was selected in Social Work.
Initially, I wasn't sure at all, but as I'm learning new things, at this moment I think that Social Work, probably chose me, and no backwards.
At present I still taking into account to study Psychology, but I don't like to close myself to other options, so I am studying Social Work with love.

Resultado de imagen para social work

My experience at the university, has been stressful for me, because I have to read too much and sometimes I don't have much time, sometimes neither want to, because meeting new people it's too much difficult to me since I was born, and university it's like and ocean for me, and I'm like oyster.
About what kind of job I would like to have, I think that I'd like to working at the SENAME , or some similar service.